Thanks for everyone's help. After dealing with multitudes of slack-jawed
parts counter clones on the phone this morning, I called Dan at D&D
Fabrications. He gave me a part number for the Fel-Pro Perma-Torque head
gaskets. For future reference (so you don't have to repeat my dealings with
multitudes of slack-jawed parts counter clones) the numbers are 7984PT for
the Buick/Rover engine and 7995PT for the Oldsmobile engine. I ordered them
(from Pep Boys, no less!) using the part number and they should arrive
Lorne, I read the article on the head defect on your Mog Plus8 page, and I
don't think that is causing the problem. My leak is at the lower rear
corner of the LH cylinder head, in line with bolts 11-14. If these were
causing a leak by "tilting" the head, I would expect it to be along the
upper edge, rather than the lower. I will consider reducing the torque on
bolts 11-14 as you recommend when I reassemble. Great page, by the way.
Thanks again,
Paul Kile
1974 MGB-GT V-8 GD2D-1 889G, Teal Blue