Hi! Al Richer here. I'm in the process of cleaning up a Rover 3.5 V8 in a
project Range Rover of mine, and I'm a bit concerend about a few noises it's
I've flipped through the archives and searched for a FAQ to little avail, so
pardon if this is a "damn newbie" question. my experience with Rover engines is
extensive on the 2.25 liter pushrod 4, but this new aluminum high-tech stuff is
a bit much for me at present...<grin>
basically, i have a carburetted 3.5 liter V8 with 100K miles on the car's clock.
The engine was supposedly rebuild by the Dreaded Previous Owner, but it's quite
noisy under load - sounds like a rod knock. Oil pressure at hot idle was low
enough to make the oil light come on until I replaced the pump cover and the
valve (valve was sticking open..ick!) and now it happily sits at 35-40PSI at
idle in gear - seems fine to me.
3 questions from this:
1. Where's the FAQ? I get the feeling that the rebuild was a farce, and I want
to source some bearing shells for the rods that Aren't British...8*)
2. I'm also thinking this might be a flat lifter - the engine sat for over a
year while I rebuilt the inner body structure, and it's entirely possible the
lifters went flat. I've only put 100 miles or so on it since it's roadable
3. Anybody got a suggestion for a good timing setting for a 3.5 high-compression
that doesn't need premium petrol? This thing is gonna break me.....8*)
Yours, Al Richer - Series Rover junkie and 84 Rangie plushmobile owner