I posted a query a little while ago about my ignition coil. I've since
ascertained that the coil is designed to run without a ballast resistor.
Yes, you guessed it, my car has the resistor in the wiring harness, so for 4
years I've been running round with not enough voltage to the coil.
Anyway, the rev counter needle has started 'bouncing' round the dial. It
used to do this mainly at idle when the motor was cold, I put it down to the
drag of the cold engine oil on the pump/distributor shaft causing some
oscillation. However, since running 12 volts to the coil it does it at all
revs, it will display a steady reading under some conditions.
The rev counter, ignition module and now the coil, are all fed from the same
point at the fuse box. Could the bouncing needle be caused by interference
from the coil/ignition module? I guess the only way to see is to run the rev
counter from a different feed.
Any thoughts/ideas?
> .-->
Simon Sparrow
Enterprise Network Architect
Telephone: +64-4-382 0239
Facsimile: +64-4-385 6067
Mobile: 025 230 8048