(1) There is a big car parts swap meet at Glendale Community College,
Glendale, Az. (Phx. suburb) Sat/Sun (next weekend) 15th/16th. I
have seen a vendor there before with one helluva selection of old
auto knobs. Both window crank and radio. He may be there. A guy
who sells re-conditioned/re-built auto radios is usually there. I
think this is the last big parts swap meet this spring in this area.
(2) Also, Ted/Tod Stokes said they would be setting up at this one.
They have/had a lot of NOS/NORS/used Buick stuff. No REPOP.
(3) I have not heard from Guy New yet. He may setup also. He has a
house, carport and garage full of pre-70 Buick hard-iron parts. Way
too much to take to the swap meet. But if you get to Phx. he is very
good about looking for stuff in his collection on the weekends.
(4) If you need a break from the weather, go West young folks. Temp
in the 80's and 90's this week.
Mr. Shadow (Ret)