The mag mentioned was actually from 1961 I believe. Also detailed in
HRM in that time era (might have been '62?) was a fairly simple Buick
215 conversion of Mercury Comet station wagon (done prior to the intro.
of the Ford 260). The early Falcons weigh <2300 lbs. even with the cast
iron 6 and make decent 215 swap candidates. I can provide the exact
months of the HRM issues if anyone is interested.
OP wrote:
> 10 years ago or so I purchased some HotRod Magazines that had feature
> articles on building the 3.5 litre buick and olds. The mags are circa
> 1963
> and 64.One of the articles is a step by step build up and Dyno
> readings of
> the various ways to build the engines, The best HP figure was over 230
> HP.
> I am going to scan them and atempt to convert them to a PDF format. I
> will
> send it to anyone on the list who wants it. I will probably set up a
> webpage to distrubute this if sending thru E-mail is not practical.
> If any of you have articles from mags that you can scan, I would be
> glad to
> convert these scans to PDF format and post on a site.
> Later,
> Oliver
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