Web page for Silvolite pistons:
Also: http://lr.merseyworld.com/rangerv/rrover1.html
PS Hey, my TR8 subframe came in today!
"I'll get her one piece at a time
And she won't cost me a dime!"
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Performance Questions
Author: Mark Tinker <mtinker@cisco.com> at inetmail
Date: 9/1/98 10:17 AM
I am in the process of re-building my TR8 motor right now. I did a lot of
checking into pistons and the only company I could find in the states making
pistons was Silvolite in Reno, NV. The have two CRs, 8.8 and 9.6. According to
them, the haven't made any 9.6s in a while and were considering phasing them out
due to lack of demand. Maybe interest from this list could change that. I
eventually tracked down a set of '63 Buick high compression pistons from Phil
Baker in Seattle. I should get around 10:1 in my Rover motor with these. Good
At 10:45 PM 8/31/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanx for the info.Just by having some others to discuss the engine with is
>a big plus. Where do you guys recommend going to get a good piston for the
>215, I had looked into going custom when I wanted to sleeve the block and
>go with the 300 crank. After reading some of the websites today that greg
>supplied I realized thats not what I want to do. I think I would be better
>off keeping the stock parameters in the engine, the small stroke can do
>very well at high RPM. Maybe a Turbo(or two) would be in order to get the
>HP, I could go with the 300 crank to help bring the torque up and not worry
>as much about turbo lag.
>Anyone here ever use webers on a buick/rover?
>Thats all for now
| Mark Tinker
| Systems Engineer, U.S. Channels
<color><param>0000,8080,8080</param>| |</color>
| Cisco Systems, Inc.
<color><param>0000,8080,8080</param>||| |||</color>
| 14875 Landmark, Suite 400
<color><param>0000,8080,8080</param>.|||||. .|||||.</color>
| Dallas, TX 75240
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| FAX: 972 364-8733
<color><param>8080,0000,0000</param>C i s c o S y s t e m s
</color>| E-Mail: mtinker@cisco.com