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Bonnet Support

To: <>
Subject: Bonnet Support
From: "Charlie & Ressie O'Connors" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 07:17:45 -0400
I am restoring a '59 Sprite and I need some help/advice regarding the
bonnet.  There is a structural panel that goes across the bonnet - where
the bonnet rests against the firewall.  On both bonnets I have, this
piece is rusted out and needs to be replaced.  Unfortunately, I can't a
find a replacement panel for this.  Is anyone aware of where I can find
such a piece?  Does anyone have a suggestion on an alternative solution?
I talked with two metal fabrication shops in Tallahassee, Florida to see
if they could fabricate me something.  One tried with very
unsatisfactory results.  

Thanks for your help.

Charlie O'Connors
Havana, Florida

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