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Re: [British Cars]re:OK, Now what

Subject: Re: [British Cars]re:OK, Now what
From: Aaron Whiteman <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 08:43:48 -0700
On Aug 11, 2004, at 1:16 AM, wrote:

> Mark, I'm in favor of anything that makes your job easier !
> However, I've got to say that this format is considerably more 
> difficult for me to use than the mail lists.

Ditto!  Part of what is nice about these mailing lists is the 
simplicity for the end user.  I (as a user) don't have to go off to 
some web site to browse some forum that works 
almost-like-but-not-nearly-as-well as email or newsgroup discussions.

Case in point: vs the forum at
The latter has lots of information, and presents it quite effectively 
(for a web site).  I read and follow mgs regularly.  I check once or twice a week (if that).

On the other hand, if creating the web forum is fun to you, I don't 
want to stop you from "scratching the itch"!

Aaron Whiteman

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic.  -- Arthur C. Clarke

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