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Minor Ragtop 4Sale - NorCal

Subject: Minor Ragtop 4Sale - NorCal
From: (Richard Feibusch)
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 18:17:06 -0700
Dear Readers,

I found this Minor convertible in LA about 10 years ago for this lady and
delivered it to her in the San Francisco Bay area on a tow bar behind my
trusty '69 Malibu coupe - It was a straight 950 powered car that was solid
and honest but done to "street" rather than show quality.

We actually used it to drive Charles Ware of the Morris Minor Centre in
Bath around Venice when he came to visit that year while we were sorting it
out for delivery - (what an asset! - as in Charles Ware's asset on the
pasenger's seat!) - anyhow, I have not seen the car since but I understand
that it has not been used all that much over the last decade but you will
need to contact Martha for more up-to-date info and a price.

It is Maroon with black trim/top

Check it out!

Rick Feibusch
Venice Beach, CA

Hi Rick,

Hope you are well.  I swear I'm really ready to sell my beloved convertible
this time.  Here's a link with photos you can pass on to anyone who might be
interested, or have them call me at 510-652-0398.

Best, Martha Becker

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