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Preparation for sale questions (kinda longish)

Subject: Preparation for sale questions (kinda longish)
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 08:19:20 -0700

I'm approaching the end of my TR 4 ownership days and wanted to get some 
opinions on the best way to sell the beast.

Quick description:

1963 TR 4 (surrey top model)
Originally white now black
Mechanical restoration done by tallented amatuer (me)
Body and paint done by the best restorer I've ever met (the reason for color 
change to black)

Here's what I think it needs to be a show winner....

Chrome re-done (I have original bumpers, but they're not on the car right 
Change back to dynamo and voltage regulator
Some fiddling with interiorer panels, carpets, seats and such (I have redone 
the dash and crash pads)
Original TR 4 wheels (currently has TR 6 ones)
General detailing by someone who knows the judging rules

On the other hand, if you just wanted to drive it....

I've owned this car since 1997 and done most of the work myself with the 
exception of the body work which I had done by a friend with great 
credentials (Lotus, Morgan, TR). I know this part was done right since I was 
his helper during the process. I spent a fair bit of money here since I know 
mechanical stuff can always be re-done, but you usualy only get one chance 
to do bodywork right.

I built the car as a driver, not strictly original, but with the knowledge 
that some day someone might want to do concours with it. There aren't any 
mods that can't be changed back easily. I've kept all the original parts and 
aquired some more along the way like early seat pans and an extra bonnet.

Why am I thinking about selling it? Well, lots of reasons. Mostly I don't 
drive it enough to justify the ownership cost. I'm 6'3" and I don't really 
fit all that well. I'm not really a car show kinda guy, I prefer hanging out 
at the track. The summer in Arizona it too damn hot to drive a black sports 
car with no AC.

But, the biggest reason is my daughter is starting to race karts and I need 
the room in our garage.

So what's the question?

How would you go about it? Would you spend the $$ to have the chrome done 
and convert everything back to stock? Would you offer it as is? Something in 
between? Hemmings? E-Bay?
Triumphest with a "for sale" sign?

So, any opinions are welcome....

Also willing to talk with serious potential buyers.
I'm not going to dump the car cheap, but I am realistic about selling prices 
vs. asking price.
I'm in Mesa, AZ.

For the record I'll be keeping my Herald so I won't be completely 
Triumphless and you'll still have me on the lists.


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR 4

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