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Re: Setting up shop in the Silicon Valley

To: Larry Colen <>,,
Subject: Re: Setting up shop in the Silicon Valley
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 13:21:13 -0700
At 12:56 PM 5/3/2003 -0700, Larry Colen wrote:
>I've been talking to a few friends about getting together and setting
>up a shop. We'll probably want to do so near the hwys 85 and 17

  OK move it down to Santa Barbara and I will join.  What I read sounds 
good so far but what about insurance ?  Someone _will_ get hurt eventually 
and then say it was the shop equipments fault.  Who is liable, the shop ? 
the person who "donated" the equipment ?  If its the person who donated the 
equipment, then no one will donate.  If it is the shops then insurance 
could make the costs soar.  Also, especially with "public" spaces, theft 
could become a problem.

   This country is quite lawsuit happy these days most unfortunately and I 
could see a problem with that in your shop idea.


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and  ~~~ .oooO  Oooo.  ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                                   (    )  (     )    
Bug Writer er...Programmer                \   )   (   /                  \_)  (_/  
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