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RE: Reading O2 sensors

To: <>
Subject: RE: Reading O2 sensors
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 19:41:24 -0800
> This is a "1 volt" sensor and seems to have stoichiometric at right
> around 0.5 volts.  I'm especially interested in the range of .85 to
> 1.0 volts, as that is where the car seems to be running.

Larry, it's my understanding that those sensors are only good right around
0.5 volts; much outside of 0.3 - 0.7 and the results are highly dependant on
other things, everything from exact sensor temperature (the heater is only
for warm up, does not regulate the temp), to exhaust back pressure, to
sensor age.

There are extended range sensors around, but they are substantially more

You can find more information (including a table that supposedly correlates
voltage to mixture and several people pooh-poohing it) at
(scroll down past the part on testing O2 sensors)

You can also go into sticker shock over the "cheap" wide-band (10.6 to 18.4
AFR, +/- 0.2 AFR) sensor at


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