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To: "Triumphs" <>,
Subject: U/K
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Sat, 8 Feb 2003 08:45:51 -0500
Just to clarify my feelings on roundabouts, they are very fast, keeps traffic
flowing at speed (no lights), the only 2 problems I had was looking to the
left and that damn "OLD" driver scared the heck out of everyone in the car and
in the roundabouts, and now for the last of the sightseeing trip, Jonmac
showed me the original Spitfire factory that is in use today as warehousing,
WWll air strips, the hilly road test courses used by "Standard" and lastly we
stopped for afternoon tea at the home of a very spry, agile and lovely lady of
only 86 years of age, his "mother", and what a delight it was to meet such a
very beautiful lady as she is that, very enjoyable day me and one I will long
remember.  "FT"

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