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Re: Old archives: 1989 - 1994

To: "Phil Ethier" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Old archives: 1989 - 1994
From: Tim Dziechowski <>
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2002 21:31:45 -0400
At 11:27 PM 7/31/02 -0500, Phil Ethier wrote:
>> I have everything since Mark Bradakis took over the list from Jim,
>> and maybe some earlier stuff too.
>That means that you have everything from me, too.  Which is more than I can
>say.  I can't begin to tell you how much stuff I have lost over the years.
>But more-importantly, you have everything from Scott Fisher.  Wow.  What a
>treasure-trove of great writing!

Being an email junkie, I can't believe there are people who actually <moan>
_delete_ mail!  I even keep spam if it's interesting, but that's because
I used to write mail software and needed to defend against spam.  I'm in
lurk mode on most of my mail lists now, but you never can tell when you'll
be in the driveway trying to fix the warp drive on a 66 AH Sprite and you
can't get the reluctor off.  At times like that grep and a good SOL email
file are your friends.

I really value all the stuff you've shared with the lists over the years,
Phil.  I can't tell you how many times I've gone after your post cross
referencing wheel spacing for different car makes/models...

I checked and today but couldn't find any of
the old digests which I have (91 on).  However there are some uploads
of some Scott Fisher gems in text format...  

Regards, (Tim Dziechowski - '79 Midget)

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