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BMW Mini: Is it British?

Subject: BMW Mini: Is it British?
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 06:46:43 EDT
Wellllllllll ... it's sorta British. It's BUILT in Britain. IIRC, it has 
quite a lot of British-made parts in it. And its spirit is clearly all Brit. 
I'm willing to overlook that it was built by ... Those People ... and 
consider it British. I'd be curious to know what real live Brits think it is?

best, jv.

In a message dated Thu, 25 Apr 2002 00:20:48, Mark J Bradakis 
<> writes:

>  While it isn't a British car, I figure some folks on this list may be
>  interested in the new BMW Mini, and at the request of some folks on
>  mini-list@autox, set up a bmw-mini list.
>  See for details.

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