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RE: To Californiaians - [Fwd: CA CO2 regulation / AB 1058 /

To: "british-cars" <>
Subject: RE: To Californiaians - [Fwd: CA CO2 regulation / AB 1058 /
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 19:42:00 -0800
> There is simply no way to reduce CO2 emissions without reducing fuel
> usage.

Not quite true, all you have to do is burn fuel with less carbon in it.
Burning pure hydrogen, for example, produces no CO2 at all.  I haven't
looked into it, but I'll bet there are lots of things with less carbon per
btu than gasoline, CNG and ethanol seem likely.

> All those gas-guzzling SUVs would be legislated off the road by
> this.

Some of us in CA think that would not be a bad thing ...


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