To get the most money from the car you will have to part it out. It's sad
but true but a pile of parts is always worth more individually than as a
whole. Besides I think most of us have seen cars with "slight rust",
"easily repairable" but in reality were total wreaks. Personally I would
try your local MG clubs for prospects, at least it wouldn't be a major
hassle for them to retrieve the project car in question. But that said
I've sold a few questionalble items on eBay :)
At 07:26 AM 1/20/2002 -0600, wrote:
>I cant believe that I sent this to 3 British car lists and got only one
>response. I have
>tried not to be nearly as clever with the subject title this
>time. Perhaps my question will
>be taken more seriously this time. I really need some input.