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Re: POR15

To: Roland Dudley <>,
Subject: Re: POR15
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 11:04:27 -0800
   I have always been under the impression that one uses POR-15 to cover up 
something, like rust, and that if you have clean metal you use a good 
primer and paint.  I had my frame sandblasted then I sprayed it with 
variprime and then a paint primer and paint.  From these discussions I 
gather you guys put the POR-15 right on the bare metal even if it is not 
rusty, what is the advantage of that ?

   I am curious since I have another frame to do in the next few months and 
have never used POR-15 because I always perceived it to be a "cover it and 
hide that rust" product.  Yes, I have been to their website where they 
claim to be otherwise, but that is marketing and marketing does not keep 
the car from rusting when you start driving it.


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing and  ~~~ .oooO  Oooo.  ~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                                   (    )  (     )    
Bug Writer er...Programmer                \   )   (   /                  \_)  (_/  
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