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Re: Bond Back in AM

Subject: Re: Bond Back in AM
From: Erik Quackenbush <>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 10:04:47 -0500
I think you're right. Commander Bond did drive a Bentley in many (if not 
all) of Ian Fleming's books. I seem to recall that he also drove one in the 
first Gardner book ("License Renewed") but it's been a while.

At 06:00 PM 8/30/2001 -0700, wrote:
>I saw a similar article in the LA Times.  However, the author stated that
>Bond drove AM's in the books.  I read the books probably about 25 years
>ago.  I seem to recall he drove a Bentley in at least one, perhaps all.
>What's the deal?

Erik Quackenbush, V.P. Operations, Midwest Filter Corporation
1-847-680-0566 fax: 1-847-680-0832

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