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Re: Jack stand safety

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Jack stand safety
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 01 08:31:20 -0700
> Therefore it is my contention that it is actually much safer to have
> the car on two jackstands rather than on 4,

Maybe.  Maybe it is a matter of paying attention to the details and 
possible failure modes.

I do not claim to be a jackstand expert But I live a mile away from the 
surface epicenter  of the '89 Loma Prieta quake.  My TR3 was on four 
jackstands when the quake occured and it was still up on jackstands when 
the quake was over.  The house tried real hard to demolish itself though. 
 Extensive damage throughout the house, but the TR stayed up.

What I think I know about jackstands & setting them up is in the Triumph 
FAQ section of my personal web site.

TeriAnn Wakeman               Marigold Ltd.
Santa Cruz, California        Web design, site updating, testing      search engine optimization, graphics
                              and more

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