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oil/fluid weeps

To: "''" <>
Subject: oil/fluid weeps
From: "Taffel, Sherman" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 10:36:08 -0400
Hi Bruce
Not familar with TR7, but when I bought my Jensen Interceptor this summer in
Vancouver, BC, and we pulled the engine & trans in Seattle to do the
firewall insulation upgrades and a host of other upgrades, we checked for
leaks. In addition to the usual sources, we found quite fortunately- a leak
from the oil pressure sender unit- a $7 part that was  emitting ' a stream'-
can U imagine if we didn't catch this one- as we drove the car back cross
continent in August!


Sherman D. Taffel
Columbia MD

2 Jensens
4 Jags

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