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Bad PARTS from Moss WAS Bad "RUBBER" Parts from Moss

To: "J.E.A.Rich" <>
Subject: Bad PARTS from Moss WAS Bad "RUBBER" Parts from Moss
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 15:38:32 -0400
Maybe I haven't expressed these comments on this particular list, but as long
as the masses support the suppliers who sell these inferior parts, they are
going to be produced.

This is just another by-product of the masses demand for low, lower, lowest
prices for parts.

Reject these Taiwanese parts if you receive them.

Ask the supplier where they are made when placing an order.

Support the smaller retailer, rather than the Home Depots and Walmarts of the
LBC world.

These large retailers sell too many substandard/unusable parts.

If you want an Asian car, buy one! Don't convert a British car!

I'm still burning from the "rebuilt" gearbox I got from **** that wouldn't stay
in gear, that they wouldn't take back, and that they couldn't tell me what make
and model the gearset REALLY came from!

Jay Fishbein
Wallingford, CT

"J.E.A.Rich" wrote:

> I couldn't agree more! I recently purchased a TD M.G. rolling chassis but
> with basically all the other parts in boxes. Every rubber piece except the
> gaiters for the steering rack fell apert when I touched them. Absolute junk
> from Taiwan via Moss.
> Cheers, "Bob".
> > From: Roland Dudley <>
> > Reply-To: Roland Dudley <>
> > Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 11:20:22 -0700 (PDT)
> > To:
> > Subject: Bad Rubber Parts from Moss
> >
> > Last weekend I was shuffling parts around in the garage to make some
> > working space and noticed that one of the rubber tie-rod end boots I had
> > installed a few weeks back already has some serious cracks in it.
> >
> > The April-May issue of British Car magazine contains an article by Paul
> > Kile on rebuilding rack and pinion steering systems.  Since I had
> > recently gone though this, it was interesting to read through the
> > article and compare notes.  There were a few specifics in the article I
> > disagreed with, but in general I thought it was pretty informative.
> > One claim Kile made was that tie-rod end boot replacements were
> > difficult to find, which seemed odd to me at the time, since I had had
> > no problem finding a pair.  There they were, listed right in the Moss
> > catalog.  On second thought though, maybe this was Kile's subtle way of
> > telling us not to order this crap from Moss.
> >
> > Roland
> >

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