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Disco II

Subject: Disco II
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 15:33:07 -0700
A few years ago, there was a rather long thread about how bad the Land
Rover Discovery was.  Then along came the Discovery II, and some BMW
involvment.  Does anyone know anything about the reliability of the new
Discovery II?  Someone at work suggested that the BMW involvement is/was
not enough in full swing yet, like Ford's "improvements" to Jaguar, but
still in progress, and that there are still quality control issues.

Thanks for any thoughts.  We seem to have outgrown our 212hp Volvo with our
third child and are thinking about something other than the "common" SUV.
This would be for my wife.  So, nagging problems will simply not be
acceptable.  As someone pointed out about the Miata, yes, the Japanese have
raised the bar, and others really have to meet it to be competitive.


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