At 9:25 PM 1/30/95, Bill Lattimer wrote:
>cast into the block under the 'MOWOG' is the number
>3 - does this indicate it's a 3-bearing motor?
I'm not as up on B's as maybe I should be but.. The best way to tell that I
know of is the engine serial number. If memory serves the '18GV' series of
egines are the 5 main ones. If you have a catalog from Moss Motors I think
it has that info in the front part. Hope this helps
/ _______ \ Lane Rollins
/ / /| ||\\\ \ 10549 SE 37th
/ //\//| || \\\ \ Milwaukie, Or 97222
| |||\/|| || ||| | (503) 654-2870
| ||| || ||____| |
| ||| || ||--//| |
\ \ || || /// / '55 MG TF 1500
\ \ _||_||_// / '59 MG MGA 1600 (Summer Driver)
\___________/ '86 Mazda RX7 (Damp Driver)