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TR4 seat covers

Subject: TR4 seat covers
From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 11:37:35 -0500
        I don't really understand what difficulty you are having
with your seat covers, but it sounds like you can't get the cover 
to slip over the foam well.  A friend of mine used a really neat 
trick to stuff the foam back in in my sofa cushions when I restitched
them.  She took a dry cleaning bag (a garbage bag would work too) and
put the foam in it.  She then held the open end of the bag around the 
end of a shop vacuum which compressed the foam to about 1/10 of 
original size.  Once the foam was back in the cover, she easily able 
to rip the bag out.  

William Woodruff      
Ann Arbor, MI

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