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More Title questions

Subject: More Title questions
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 1995 10:05:05 -0500
I hope you guys are patient, I'm new here to SOL and I've got a ton of
questions.  Whoever was asking about car titles made me think of a couple

I've got a TR-4, I don't know much of it's history, but the commission number
on the title is way off of the one actually on the car.  (CT 20000 something
vs CTC 14000 or so)  Do I have anyway of proving that the car is actually
mine?  Any suggestion on how to clean this mess up?

Secondly, my dad bought a 4A new in Atlanta in 68 and after a minor fender
bender a few years later in Chattanooga, he sold it to a dentist there who
had "a backyard full of old Triumphs."  My dad died last year, and seeing how
much I'm into TR-4's, I thought it would be fun to find his old car.  Even if
it's all rusted out, I still wouldn't mind actually owning the title to it
(and add the parts to my collection).
Anybody got any Idea how I might go about finding it?

Thanks in advance.
More questions to follow

Scott Tilton  ---- I got the car bug - - -- infected with TR-4's

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