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Obscure Cars ... Depend on Location

To: (British Cars Network)
Subject: Obscure Cars ... Depend on Location
From: (Templer Andrew)
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 95 16:38:59 EST
Was interested to read some of the mail on what constitutes an obscure 
car.  I imagine the most important factor is location.  Thought I would 
briefly mention one part of the world where what we might think is 
obscure appeared to me to be part of everyday world.

I have recently returned from a wonderful visit to New Zealand 
(especially given the season here in Canada!).  Warm weather and even 
warmer people, but, of particular interest, remarkable Brit cars in DAILY 
use everywhere.  While newer Japoboxes (I understand many used from 
Japan) are now taking over, there are still literally hundreds of 60s and 
70s British cars around - especially Morris, Triumph, Rover and various 
BMC vehicles of the period.  I mostly saw sedan models which would 
actually be considered quite rare in Canada but found relatively few of 
the MGB and Triumph sports cars that we see quite a lot of.

Anyway, overall a great britcar experience and I would encourage the Kiwi 
members of the network to quit that lurking and keep us informed of some 
remarkable vehicles you still have around.  Sadly the impact of salt on 
the roads and legislators in the government have largely eliminated some 
of the greatest classics here.

                   Bus Admin, U of Windsor, Windsor. Ont. CANADA   N9B 3P4
Andrew Templer     Answerphone: 519-253-4232     Ext 3159
                   Telefax:     519-973-7073     EMAIL:
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