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Car Trailer For Bugeye Sprite

Subject: Car Trailer For Bugeye Sprite
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 1995 00:33:07 -0500
Dear Fellow Scions,
In the near future I am going to have the distinct pleasure of moving from
Boston MA to Minot AFB ND.  I need to transport my Bugeye along with me so
this seems like an opportune time to buy a trailer instead of renting one.  I
am looking for any inputs (recommended sizes, sources, techniques, etc) that
anyone may have.  I will be in the Shreveport LA area until mid-April, so if
anyone has any ideas for this area of the country as well as for the north
east I would appreciate it.  Also, does anyone have any info on British car
activities in the Minot area or am I going to be all alone.
                         Thanx in advance,
                                 Jon Jordan

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