I'm sure that most of you who live in areas that are considering
stricter SMOG checks know that you better hold on to your original
emissions control equipment. If you don't have it, better get it
now while you still can afford it - that stuff can be like gold
here in California. It looks like everyone else will eventually
follow our stupid^H^H^H^H^H^H stricter test standards.
I had to add a "NOX device" to my Tiger to get it to pass. This
$15 "device" consists of 2 rubber plugs to cap off the vaccuum
advance to the distributor, and a sticker you place over the
speedometer warning you not to drive over 55mph =:-0
My neighbor is now looking for a complete 454 engine or *hevy parts
truck so he can get parts needed to pass. He bought his truck from
a guy who gave it the full treatment - hi-rise manifold, big carb,
headers, etc. It won't pass the visual exam...$$$
The EPA was trying to make the state take over SMOG check from the
independent shops who are licensed by the state. I'm sure that
would have been *much* more convenient for the car owner ;-)
Kevin Meek (kevnmeek@netcom.com) Sunbeam Tiger B382002202
Santa Cruz, California Sunbeam Alpine SI B9011324