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Emissions Equipment

To: (British Cars Network)
Subject: Emissions Equipment
From: (Templer Andrew)
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 95 20:02:18 EST
Regarding the issue of original emissions control equipment by visual 
inspection:  Fortunately, in Ontario at present the only test is on 
change of ownership but I have heard the "suggestion" from a friend who 
works at the Government of Canada's emissions lab in Ottawa that some 
form of on the spot testing is on the way.  "Cheap way of satisfying some 
of the environmental lobby".
I had the air pump etc. removed from my 79 mini under the garage 
mechanic's description of "engine tune" shortly after getting the car, 
but was warned to keep all the bits for exactly the reason suggested - 
car required to satisfy all standards in place at time ....... etc etc.

Cheers to everyone for the new year.

                   Bus Admin, U of Windsor, Windsor. Ont. CANADA   N9B 3P4
Andrew Templer     Answerphone: 519-253-4232     Ext 3159
                   Telefax:     519-973-7073     EMAIL:
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