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Re: nachtmares, brains, etc.

Subject: Re: nachtmares, brains, etc.
From: (Pat Willems (@chong))
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 94 08:25:34 CST
Will writes
>"Good" friends say I don't have the personality to own British cars.
>"Good" friends say I'm to "punctilious" and should own a Porsche or
>some such soul-less monster.  "Good" friends say these cars will drive
>me crazy.  Even my brother wonders why the heck I own those cars (he
>drives a 911).  Needless to say, I have disagreed with them so far.

>On the other hand, what the H**L does this dream mean?  One side of my
>brain is doing a number on the other side.  My question is: which

>From what you have said about your dreams, I am concerned about your
mental health.  I believe you are suffering from PLDD
(Post-LBC-Driving-Disorder) what with the lack of driving your LBC in
the winter.  I would highly recommend that you rid yourself of the LBC
demon that is preying on your mind.  Immediately load your car on a
trailer and drive it to my house in Texas.  I will care for your car
this winter (make sure it gets driven daily, top down if not raining,
try to keep it under the speed limit, etc.) and we can reevaluate your
mental health when summer rolls around.

Pat "Boy, its a slow day today" Willems

PS  Leave a little gas money with the car, would you?

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