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MGB Fuel Pumps, TR3 update

Subject: MGB Fuel Pumps, TR3 update
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 94 15:17:39 -0800
Last week I finally parked my BGT at home to wait for time to work on the fuel 
pump.  I had to get out & bang on the fuel pump 8 or 9 times each way to my van 
pool pick up point.

Sunday, before it rained, I was able to get the battery out and deal with the 
wet, dirty loose power connection.  Some cleaning, star washers on a ring 
connector, and a coating of RTV for moisture protection and it has been ticking 
over better than ever.  That high RPM miss dissapeared too.  So hopefully I will
quietly slip off the Society for prevention of cruilty to SU pumps most wanted 
list.  And now I should once again be able to drive farther than half a mile 
without the car coming to a stop.

BTW:  Sat, before it rained, the Once & Future TR3's engine & transmission made 
it back into the car :^)  Nothings hooked up or bolted down yet, but it is 
sitting on its new mounts.  This was a real pain with the optional finned Al 
sump taking more space, and the oil cooler adaptor pushing the oil filter 
adaptor out so that there was a negative width clearence firewall side/front 
plate/ engine/ oil filter adaptor/ steering column.  It was painful, paint was 
scratched =8^0  but the deed is done & the paint can be touched up.

Now if only it would stop raining long enough for me to bolt the engine down & 
start connecting things

If only I had a garage

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

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