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Re: MG Related Christmas gifts?

To: jmcelroy@WPI.EDU
Subject: Re: MG Related Christmas gifts?
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 10:36:22 -0600 (CST)
Give this guy a hand, eh?  Reply directly to as he is not
a member of british-cars.  And don't flame him for German cars.  I have a
Quantum Syncro in my garage right next to the Europa.  :-)  - Phil Ethier

> Okay, this might be a weird question, but I know there's a few British car
> nuts out there, so here goes.  My girlfriend's family recently restored a 
> beautiful MGB (I have no idea what year it is; I follow German cars), and I
> thought it would be neat to find a gift related to it in someway; perhaps a
> book documenting the history of MG or something to that effect.
> Are there any good books out there on such a topic?  I've got a Classic Motor-
> books catalog, but it's hard to judge quality from there.
> Thanks.
> James McElroy
> 92 GTI 16V ES.

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