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Re: What are the ingredients in a hot tank?

To: (Greg Meboe)
Subject: Re: What are the ingredients in a hot tank?
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 94 8:19:46 PST
> On Tue, 6 Dec 1994, Paul Swengler wrote:
> > Greg Meboe wrote:
> > >I keep a small armory of caustic and acidic chemicals around for 
> > >LBC cleanings. 
> > 
> > This is neither a flame nor a joke.   Hey Greg, that's nasty stuff!  

Trisodium phosphate is a milder substitute that can be used in place
of lye.  It's not as fast but works pretty well is a lot easier and
safer to handle.

A galvanized bucket or tub over a camp stove or barbecue works well.
Do NOT try this with an acid solution though.


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