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TR6 values, and overseas shipping Q's

Subject: TR6 values, and overseas shipping Q's
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 10:12:47 -0500 (EST)
Hi all !
A German friend of mine wants to buy a car in California and then ship it
to Germany.  He has his mind set on a TR6, but I think he may take
something else.
What is a good TR6 worth these days?
When I say good, I mean one that with little work would pass Germany's
tough TUeV (similar to MoT in England) standards.
Also is anyone familiar with coast-to-caost as well as overseas shipping?
Most of my connections can handle the overseas part, but getting the
car to a port is the problem.
Please also let me know if there is a place where these questions maybe
better answered! :)
Thanks a lot in advance,

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