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Mailing list notes

Subject: Mailing list notes
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 1994 10:55:05 -0700
Well, the majordomo program has been handling requests for a while now,
and seems to be working fairly well.  I am amazed, though, at the number
of folks who have trouble with the instructions.  I wonder why folks with
such trouble reading want to be on a mailing list?  At any rate, there are
still a few things to frob in the configuration, and I hope to get to it

One thing is to gather up the mail that majordomo is not forwarding to the
lists because it is deemed an admin request, and get that sent out.  The
scripts are not that bright, so mail with some simple keywords is often not
sent out.  I'll package up these messages into a special digest, and send it
out to everyone.  I may just turn off this screening feature, we shall see.
So if you've sent something out and haven't seen it, it could well be in this
pile.  Or, you could be sending to the wrong place, like the list request
address instead of the list submission address.

I also need to go through the stack of requests that came in right before
the switch, so if you asked for something within the last month and have
not heard from me, I'll be getting to it soon.  Of course, you may have
forgotten what it was you wanted by now!

And lastly, I'll send out another admin message soon with the basic help
info for majordomo, and a few examples.

Oh, and there is a bit more free disk space in the FTP directory, thanks
to those who helped out.


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