I was amused by the 11 year old being given a MGTF. When I was twelve I
saved my hard earned paper route money to buy a minibike. I was
introduced to a rusted Triumph TR3 (small mouth)by my 15 year old
brother's friend and the minibike went out the window. My parents thought an
old sportscar in the garage was a better idea than a minibike on the road.
It also gave them a way out on the minibike. They only said yes to it
because they didn't think I could save the money ($275). Actually I went
60/40 with my brother. When I was fifteen, I sold my half for $550 and
bought an MGA which I drove all through high school and college. The MGA
sat from 1978 until two years ago. Last summer I had it back on the road
after an engine rebuild, brakes and so on. It is being painted right
now and next year will be the 25th anniversary of my MGA purchase.
|| || J. Michael Duvall
|| TTTTT V V || Associate Professor Communication
|| T V V || Sangamon State University
|| T V || Springfield, Illinois 62704
||_______________|| duvall@eagle.sangamon.edu
|| * * || Video & Multimedia Production