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Am I evil?

Subject: Am I evil?
From: Christopher Cougill <>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 15:45:40 -0600 (CST)
Hey everybody,

        OK, first, sorry for the lack of lbc content.  I just thought 
that since my question is about a relative of the Land Rover 
(LandCruiser), and there was so much chatter lately about Landys, I might 
get away with this.
        Anyway, you all saw my note about Land Rovers.  Well, I have 
determined, from mail that I got, that maybe a Landy is not the car for a 
studunt on a budget (of course, neither is a TR6 and I have one).  
Anyway, as prospects look slim, I realized that a 'Cruiser might be a 
possibility.  I know, I shudder, too, at the thought of owning an 
Japanese car.  But hey, the deal is pretty good.
        I have a friend who has a 'Cruiser whose uncle owns a body shop.  
They are constantly buying and selling cars.  Anyway, this has been his 
personal vehicle for a while now.  It's not been aesthetically restored 
at all, just mechanically.  He expressed some interest in swapping the 
Cruiser for my '67 MGB GT that's laid up in a garage.  
        I am going to have to do something with the GT sooner or later, 
anyway, as I graduate in May and will need to move.  I will still have 
the TR6 to drive and can even tow it w/ the Cruiser.  Whadd'ya  think?  
Any Landy owners care to comment on te LandCruisers?  This one is (I 
think) a '75 or so.  

        Again, soory for the lack of lbc content!  The only reason I ask 
you guys is that I'm an SOL`er at heart and value your opinions...  
though our judgement may be questionable (after all, we do count on Lucas 
wherever we go....) 8^)

        Chris Cougill

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