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Re: your mail

To: Greg Meboe <>
Subject: Re: your mail
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 1994 11:27:22 -0400 (EDT)

   Ray Gibbons  Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
                Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
        (802) 656-8910

On Mon, 24 Oct 1994, Greg Meboe wrote:

> Dear Fellow Scions,
> Ok here it is.  I'm finally taking that big leap into adulthood. 
> My wife informed me this morning that "the test turned pink!", so it 
> looks like I'll be needing Ray to repost that Vo*vo numbering code 
> deciphering letter, about how a 122 has 2 cylinders and 2 doors, or 

Congratulations, Greg and spouse.  No need for a 240 wagon yet.  For a
little while, you can probably make do with one of those Volvo semisports
station wagon jobbies.  The code is 1800ES.  The 1800 indicated the
engine displacement, which was 2000 cc.  Probably roundoff error.


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