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Re: McLaren F1 crash...

Subject: Re: McLaren F1 crash...
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 08:57:55 EDT
>The sleek black car that has clocked 231 mph on test runs 
>has a revolutionary design - the driver sits in the middle 
>of the cockpit with a passenger on either side.

Not so!  I read an article in either the June or July issue of "Classics and 
Sportscars" that stated that good ole Mr. Porsche himself designed a three 
passenger car back in the '30s.  Never saw production.  In fact, the article 
made a point of deflateing McLaren hints that they thought the design up.

Will "I'll do the bumper repair for half that" Zehring

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