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Re: Banjo Student/et al

To: Ronald LHerault <>,
Subject: Re: Banjo Student/et al
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 11:50:38 CST
Subject: Banjo Student/et al
Author:  Ronald LHerault <>
Date:    10/13/94  7:19 AM
>I'm a fan of trad Jazz as are oter NET members who I know so I thought 
>I'd pass this along.  
>What is the difference between a banjo and a lawyer?
>Somtimes you need a lawyer.

As a banjo player, I resemble that remark!

What's the difference between a banjo and an onion?
  You cry when you cut up an onion.

What's the difference between a banjo and a trampoline?
  You take off your shoes before jumping on a trampoline.

If you drop a banjo and an accordian from atop the Empire State Building,
which one will land first?
  Who cares?

How do you know if the stage is level at a bluegrass concert?
  The drool comes out of both sides of the banjo player's mouth.

And on, and on....

>Now for lbc content. Has anyone ever given over their car to a 
>technical school as a body shop project?  Seems like it would be a 
>relatively inexpensive way to get the body done over.

And it will confirm that old adage: You get what you pay for!

>Ron L'Herault


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