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Re: What does SOL mean?

Subject: Re: What does SOL mean?
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 12:10:03 PDT
> > Of course, when someone in the USA military complains about "S. O. S." 
> > for dinner again, the first S has some meaning.
> Yeah:  "Same."  ;^)
> (Phil obviously meant to say that the last S had meaning... .)

Cory obviously was in a different military unit from mine.  For us,
it was not "same old s**t"; it specifically referred to chipped beef
on toast, with a gooey whitish sauce, and we called it 
"s**t on a shingle."

Ed Rush, temporarily still at Metaphor, Mtn. View, California
  until 18th October:
  after then:
  Epicenter: 117/17/11-12      TR3A: TS 66235 L
"Metaphor's going bye-bye."

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