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LBC's on MTV

To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: LBC's on MTV
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 10:19:33 -31702 (PDT)
Dear fellow scions, 
        I do have to comment on the Healy and Porschuh in Janet Jackson's 
new video.  Not that I EVER watch MTV, (well sometimes Beavis and 
Butthead if my studies are really nerve-racking), but I did see this 
video yesterday. 
        I guess there is some fascination in pop culture with old 
convertible classics, but wait "is that a Karmann Ghia with the two 
sportscars?"  So the video, along with being dumb, has a Ghia dueling 
with two sportscars in scenes that come straight out of the high school 
movies I made of me and my friends LBC's.   
        Healys seem to be somewhat popular among the video producers.  
Last time I saw one was in Tears for Fear's hit Everybody wants to rule 
the world.

                            Greg Meboe

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