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Re: Volvos on lbc list?

To: Bob Hamilton <>
Subject: Re: Volvos on lbc list?
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 1994 11:18:03 -0400 (EDT)
On Thu, 6 Oct 1994, Bob Hamilton wrote:

> To Ray G.
>       With regards to Volvo model numbers:
> 244 = Two Series, 4 cylinder, four door
> 242 = Two Series, 4 cylinder, *two* door
> 744 = Seven Series, 4 cylinder, four door
> 764 = Seven Series, *6* cylinder, four door
> 850 = Eight Series, *5* cylinder 
>       Does this explain the model numbers? Sure makes sence to me. Sorry 

Hmmmmmmm....that *does* sound sensible.  Let's see if I understand.  The 4
series was followed by the 5 series, which was followed by the 1, 2, and 7
serieses.  The 3 and 6 series never existed, or never made it to the US. 
The 544 must have been a 5 series, with 4 cylinders and 4 doors.  I
thought they were 2 drs, but I must have been mistaken.  The 122 is a
pretty perky car for a 2 cylinder.  The wagon variant of the 544 was the
210, which clearly was a 2 series with 1 cylinder and, uh, no doors? 

After the 244 and the 245 came the 240, which also had no doors?  I guess
the 740, 760, and 850 also have no doors?  I see a trend here.  If you
can't get into them, you can't wear them out or get injured.  Anyway,
don't yell at me, convert me--give me an 850 turbo wagon for a few years,
and see if I become a believer.  ;) ;) ;) ;)

Disclaimer:  Joking, joking, pulling your leg, having you on, pushing your
buttons.  Just trying to enliven a dull day.  I don't mean a word of it. 
And I'm VERY sorry I started it. 

Ray Gibbons

P.S.  But I can't resist what I do hope is the last word.  My postdoc was
very proud of his 85 Volvo wagon, and peeved when the left rear hubcap
fell off.  He did not replace it because of the cost, but he complained
about it endlessly.  When he was leaving to take a *real* job, I bought a
good used hubcap at a flea market, and the night before he left I drove to
his apartment and replaced his hubcap. 

I expected a reaction.  He had to know it was I, since I am the only
person in the world likely to sneak around putting hubcaps *on*
cars.  But months passed, without a word.  When I visited him, I saw why. 
The hubcap I installed was still there, but the other rear hubcap had
fallen off.  He did not notice that the missing hubcap had moved from the
left to the right. 

Sorry.  Sorry.  Mea culpa.  Back to brit cars.

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