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Re: Another one (Volvo) bites the dust!

Subject: Re: Another one (Volvo) bites the dust!
From: (Jennifer Joy)
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 18:39:41 CDT
(I have been at work far too long to just let this thread slip
by, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it has to do
with brit-cars other than volvo owners seldom curse their SUs and
can tune 'em ok.)

The newest volvo I have driven was an '81.  I liked it just fine.

As a lover of old volvos I just think bashing a breed that was damn
fine in the 50s and 60s and STILL EXISTS today, is pretty silly.
At least it survived.  And perhaps, is succeeding.  The 850T is
fast, not bad for a wagon.  Look at MG, TR, Jaguar.  It may not
last forever, times are tough.  I'd rather drive something different
from a Ford, or GM, that's for sure.

My little cars have friends on the road.  That's cool.  I'm glad
they are not pieces of junk, but I might not even care.  It's a
loyalty thing (related to that thing that makes kludge for the joy
of it).

And finally, because I am not a mechanical/automotive genius, because I
have finite hours in my day -- I LOVE MY VOLVO.   Those of you who
daily drive a brit car, I'm in awe.  My jag is a love, but I am not
mechanic enough to keep its 12 cylinders happy all the time.  My volvo
putts along.

Anyway, dorks drive all sorts of cars, and I cannot figure out why
motorcyclists and british car types hate volvos in particular.  Dunno,
it is amusing at least. :-) 

This is not to say I don't see a TR2/3/3a/4 or maybe a sprite in
my future.  I love british cars.  I stay on this list because you all
are great fun, and I too am insane (being a nut is the only stereo-
typical thing I see in common among all brit-car owners).

But I sort of like thinking, here is my '66 1800 and 122, and I
can put a modern family mobile right next to it, and darned if they
aren't the same breed.  COOL!

Go bash someone else for a while.

(who will fully admit people buy volvos to put their non-sane
driving spouses in, that I have seen insane cell-phone wielding 
idiots,etc,etc...but I've seen them everywhere.  And, around here,
the scariest looking cars are the MG-Bs, beat the volvos hands down,
well, old hondas/toyotas are close)

       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX 512.891.8561 fax:512.891.3190 pgr:933-7333 #898561

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