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Midget questions

Subject: Midget questions
From: Andrew Dooley <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 21:17:05 -0600 (CDT)
   After having my car for two days, I'm already starting to wonder just how
far over my head I'm actually in.  The car isn't in quite the shape I thought,
but I did manage to find one panel that hasn't rusted completely through yet.
I suppose this is a start...  I've also come up with all sorts of questions
which I hope someone here will have the patience to help a clueless newbie 
with.  My car and I would much appreciate any assistance.
   Has anyone had any experience with convertible top repairs?  I have a top
which is in excellent condition, with the exception of discolored windows that
are seperating from the cloth.  I was wondering if it was possible to repair
this top rather than send away for a new one.  All my money will be going to
the car for quite a while regardless, but I'd like to spread it out over as
many repairs as possible.
   Another question--does anyone know offhand if any of the overseas companies
mentioned earlier sell body panels for the Midget at a reasonable price?  I
know at least three places in the States who can help me, but I'm looking for
the lowest bidder, as usual.  I've heard this isn't a good idea, with the fit
of cheap body panels being notoriously bad and all, but I'm only looking to
replace floor pans and the like.  Anything would have to fit better than the
stolen real-estate signs the PO used.
   Again, thank you to anyone who can help!

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