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Re: stereo-types, TR3, MGBGT, LR news

Subject: Re: stereo-types, TR3, MGBGT, LR news
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 11:15:20 -0700
In message <> Christopher Cougill writes:
>>      As for Stero-types, I'm a McIntosh man: tube power and pre, with 
> a vinyl collection to match all others.  A few CD's, too...  No wonder 
> I'm poor: TR6 parts and vacuum tubes keep my pockets empty.

Stero-types?? OK
Letsee, Microseki BL 91 turntable, Microsiki arm (sorry do not remember number),
Huge custom made speakers, one of which needs to have the wolfer replaced (Have 
the replacement sitting in a box for the last year, but it doesn't matter at 
this time).  A 14 year old sony genuine transistor reciever with one channel out
(see only need one speaker), 12 year old CD player whose CD tray needs help 
retracting,  Cheap cassetter player/recorder (who needs top quality for a car 
tape player (ever look at the specs of one?) purchased to record tapes for the 
car back in the days when I had radio & cassette player in a car).  Wind up 

I plan to fix the speaker, replace reciever & CD player when all the British 
cars are finished and I have extra money and time for the nonesentuals in life 
(would you believe a coffin wired for stereo?).

Meanwhile, I got a status updaye on my TR3 bodywork (returned back to body shop 
for some warrentee work).  With a lot of unwelding pulling and rewelding, they 
have streached the door openings 1/4 inch and the doors now fit.  By replacing 
the outer sill and locating the new ones correctly, the front wings now fit.

AT this point they need to restore the center part of the body to the condition 
it was in when they got it (interior painted & undercoated), re-tweek the boot 
lid (they did me a favour a while back & bent it to fit better without the 
rubber seals in place).  When thats done plus a little extra I want them to do, 
they will have the body trailered back to my house.  My engine and transmission 
are ready to install, and everything that can be done in the engine bay before 
the engine is installed is done.  If the weather holds, I just may have a drive 
train installed in the once & future TR3A  by the end of Nov.

Meanwhile, the MGBGT is back on the road from its engine rebuild, and I've got 
about 1K miles on the engine.  It had its share of teething problems (valves 
trying to seize from Phospher-bronze guides set to iron guide clearences, bad 
voltage regulator, battery, distributer poping out, burned fuel pump points 
causing the pump to pump slowly (electral problems caused by 16 volts going 
through system)).

Meanwhile the Land Rover transmission is still appart from breaking a layshaft 
on the way back from the Portland All British car meet last month.  Gears are 
good & a new layshaft is all thats needed.  The transmission is now being 
reassembled.  Since the transmission is out, its time to deal with some 
vandalism done to the Land Rover.  It looks like someone (I'm 99% sure who & 
when) poured dirt down the crank case of my newly rebuilt engine.  

Will it ever end?

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     
LINK: TWAKEMAN              
408-974-2344                         TR3A - TS75519L, 
                       MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, Land Rover 109 - 164000561

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