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stereo-types, stereotypes, and top down stories

Subject: stereo-types, stereotypes, and top down stories
From: Christopher Cougill <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 11:53:10 -0500 (CDT)

Hey all,

        Hmmm...  I am a "college guy" TR6 owner; it's rusty as hell, but 
runs great.  I keep her up all by my lonesome (OK, OK, with occaisional 
(uh, frequent) assistance from my mechanic).  In fact, I drove the car to 
Florida last summer, only three days after I got it.  NO TROUBLES the 
whole way!  Got me home, too (I live in Central Illinois).
        As for the top down bit, I too drive around the backroads here 
sans wind-protection.  The farmers, in their heated tractors and pickups, 
give me the strangest looks as I zip past on an "S" curve in gloves, 
leather jacket, and Carhart cap with earflaps in place.  My best 
temperature was about eighteen degrees w/o windchill; that's about as 
cold as it got last year (and EVERY morning, the '6 would start!).
        Anyway, my car is a daily driver, and the exhaust note still 
turns more heads than that of the Frat guys in their mommie's BMW or 
Porshe.  I love it...

        As for Stero-types, I'm a McIntosh man: tube power and pre, with 
a vinyl collection to match all others.  A few CD's, too...  No wonder 
I'm poor: TR6 parts and vacuum tubes keep my pockets empty.


Sorry, no butt-length hair...  

Oh, and Marcus: what's this with the MGA?  Another project, maybe?  Get 
on it!

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