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Stereotypes, Strombergs

Subject: Stereotypes, Strombergs
From: (Mark A. Dodd, WL/ELOD, X55581/64158)
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 94 10:41:07 EDT
A quick thumbnail sketch reveals:  a great deal of castrol and a few bloody
knuckles :-)  The rest of me:  Male- guilty as charged.  Middle aged- I hope
that doesn't start at 31.  Besides I have had MGs from the word go.  My
sports cars are not the result of a midlife crisis.  More from never growing
up :-)  Macho- never.  Three words describe me "Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy"  My
problem is I dream bigger than I have the muscle to accomplish.  One look at
our house would show that :-(  Anglo- Part-time.  Also Welsh and German.  My
car preferences are certainly more Anglo.  But don't tell my Merkur Scorpio
in the lot.  Having kid duty has meant the midget is far from ideal.  I have
a CGT once a spot in the garage is cleared out.  Which leads to:

Strombergs:  I helped a friend across the street replace the clutch in his
B.  The problem is, the carb now runneth over.  As this is one of the rubber
bumper/ catalytic types, I know where all that gas is going :-(  Is a simple
carb rebuild the solution?  The car has not been run in a year so I imagine
the seals are less than ideal.  I have Grose jets in the Midget and have had
no problems. As I recall, they are not quite as suited to Strombergs based
on past net discussions?  My memory on that is starting to go.  Does that
mean I may be approaching that mythical middle-age :-(  Any thoughts would
be appreciated.
Mark A Dodd                 Working in the dark (infrared)
email: Working in the grease (MGs)
Snail: 2700 D St, Ste 2     Working in the dust (212 Central
       WPAFB, OH 45433-7405                      Dayton, OH)
       (513) 255-5581

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