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Subject: Stereotypes
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 94 11:02:26 -0400
Mark Clark writes, after a remarkably accurate trashing of British

>>Frankly, if it wasn't for LBCs and English beer, I'd spend all my time in 
>>Germany.  Now there's a country that knows how to build cars!

Exactly!!  Oh, and cricket too, but only for the native born I suppose.
Although why Mark, with his love of fine cooking and sunny weather, prefers
Germany is not immediately clear.  Maybe the opportunity to trash Britland
was just too irresistable. So anyway, I'm taking his advice, and I'm off to
Germany. For ever. I'm taking the Big with me, (about $1k will get it to
Bremerhaven).  The last time I floated this idea in the Digest I was
hammered by a group called "purists", enraged about the loss of a Healey
from the US, so I won't tell anyone this time.  Does anyone know the German
for "I tore off the exhaust on that pebble".  

Tschuss!  John Bradley.

John Bradley
Corporate Research
Exxon Research & Engineering
Rt. 22E  Annandale NJ 08801
USA 908/730-2902 FAX 908/770-4042

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